How to Become Famous?
If you really wanna be famous, you can. So why not start now...
There are lots of ways to become famous. You can write a pop song, invent a time machine or appear on a reality TV program. The best way, however, is to become outstanding in whatever area interests you the most. There are famous cooks, artists, musicians, actors, and athletes. Whatever your interest, keep in mind that the path to fame requires training, experience, and most of all, persistence.
Part One: The Path to Fame
Realize that being famous isn't easy it takes time and hard work. You're going to have to put in long hours and hard work. Being famous doesn't happen by accident.
Realize that competition in your selected field (acting, singing or writing) is likely very cutthroat. Lots of people want to do it too, so begin to think of a way that you can distinguish yourself without betraying who you are.
If you're just concerned about being famous, you can forget it. It's not about money or fame, it's about having passion and enjoying it.
Understand that there is more than one way to become famous. It's not just about being rich or beautiful, there are endless ways to gain fame. Here are just a few suggestions:
Write a best-selling novel.
Perform a popular song.
Become an actor.
Invent something useful.
Become a model.
Start a successful business.
Do something heroic.
Excel at professional sports.
Marry someone already famous.
Become a prominent politician.
Make sure that becoming famous is your ultimate dream. Fame is like a two-sided coin. It has positive and negative aspects to it. History is full of people who chased fame and later regretted it. Sit down and make a list of the good and bad things about being famous. If the results lean toward the positive, then move forward with confidence.
Part Two: Be Unique!
Do something inspirational so others can look up to you. That said, here are four generic techniques that would apply in many situations:
Be the best at something and the first to do something. Research and find something that no one has ever done, and do it. Look around and see what someone famous is famous for, and learn to do it better. Be a better runner, or seamstress, singer or dancer or an outstanding mother or father. Select a particular interest and become the best at it.
Try to be the worst at something. Tiny Tim became famous for singing in a falsetto voice. He was really bad. That made him different, and famous. William Hung did the same thing more recently on American Idol. He sings so badly that people flock to see him perform.
Being radically different, or being overly generous will make people notice, and you in turn will become famous. Notice how some overweight women have recently become models, and are pictured on calendars and starred in hit movies, and became famous almost overnight.
Know that just by being in the right place, at the right time, can make you famous, maybe only for an hour, but at that time, everyone will know who you are. For example, the fireman who pulled the child out of the well. We do not remember his name now, but at the time of the happening, everyone knew him, he was televised, and became instantly, and briefly famous.
Build upon one of the four techniques above to apply it in your desired field of fame. Here is list of just some of the ways you can become famous:
Become famous by excelling in your business interest, and be known as being outstanding in that particular field. Being a standard real estate agent, makes you one of many. However, being the real estate agent who sells the most homes in your local market year after year you will develop some celebrity in that particular field.
Attend an audition, get discovered to become a model or an actor. Low odds, but it might just happen! It may seem scary, but once it's over with it will be worth it. You should make sure that you practice, and you should show the real you. Don't pretend to act or look like someone who is already famous. That's what fans are for!
Part Three: Look for Opportunities
Put yourself out there. There are many avenues available to pursue fame. If used correctly, you can achieve Andy Warhol's 15 minutes of fame or you could spark a longer career. Here are two suggestions:
New Media. The Internet holds an infinite amount of potential for achieving fame. YouTube, for example, gives people an opportunity to express and expose themselves to millions of people.
Old Media. Appearing on TV, in movies, in the newspaper, or on the radio will undoubtedly boost your public profile. Reality television programs, in particular, have launched many careers.
Don't wait for a dream. Work for it.
Highlight your best talent or quality. Find ways to show the world what you've got!
Participate in lots of events. Be in a school play or sing in a choir at church, it doesn't matter how you start. Most famous people start like that anyway.
Have a genuine conviction that you deserve to be famous. Envisage benefits to the society from your fame and try to highlight and project them in turn. Do not be deterred by resistance to your efforts. Be brave and assertive.
Being famous isn't only nation wide. It is much easier to become "well known" in your community. Your fame might even spread...
If you want to be an actor or actress find a theater near you and audition for plays; you could become famous!
Try to contact famous people in an attempt to get them interested in your area of expertise. Do not badger them however, or continue to communicate with them if they do not respond.
Contact your local newspapers, and interest them in doing an interview about you.